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Strategies to address employee turnover in your domiciliary care business

March 20, 2024
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Employee turnover is a pressing concern for domiciliary care businesses in the UK. It disrupts the continuity of care, increases recruitment costs, and affects the overall quality of service.

In this article, we will explore five essential strategies to tackle this issue and retain your care professionals effectively. Whether you prefer digital tools or traditional methods, these actionable steps will provide you with a solid foundation for reducing turnover and nurturing a dedicated team.

Let’s get started!

Understand employee needs

The first step in addressing employee turnover is understanding the needs and concerns of your care professionals. Regular one-on-one feedback sessions can be invaluable for fostering open communication. These sessions provide a platform for your employees to share their experiences, voice concerns, and offer suggestions for improvement. By actively listening and acting upon their feedback, you demonstrate your commitment to their well-being and job satisfaction.

Actionable Takeaway: Initiate quarterly feedback sessions to gain a deeper understanding of your care professionals' concerns and needs.

"Employee feedback is the lifeblood of any organisation. It helps you create a work environment that fosters loyalty." - McKinsey

Effective onboarding and training

Effective onboarding and training programs are crucial for retaining care professionals. A well-structured onboarding process ensures that new hires feel welcomed and equipped for their roles from day one. Consider creating comprehensive checklists to guide them through essential procedures and protocols. Additionally, assigning experienced mentors can provide invaluable support during the critical early weeks of employment.

When it comes to training, consider adopting a Learning Management System (LMS). An LMS like Moodle offers a convenient and digital platform for accessing training materials. Ensure that your digital training covers fundamental skills, company policies, and specific procedures related to domiciliary care. This approach not only improves the efficiency of training but also allows care professionals to revisit materials as needed.

Actionable Takeaway: Develop a structured onboarding program with clear checklists and explore LMS options for efficient training delivery.

"A well-planned onboarding process can improve employee retention by 82%." - Brandon Hall Group

Offer flexible work arrangements

Flexible work arrangements have become increasingly important in today's work environment. Providing care professionals with options for flexible schedules can significantly improve job satisfaction and retention rates. By accommodating their personal needs, you demonstrate your commitment to their work-life balance.

Consider offering digital care management solutions for remote care provision when appropriate. This not only provides flexibility for your staff but can also enhance your service delivery by reaching care recipients who may have mobility issues or live in remote areas.

To streamline flexible scheduling, you can utilise digital scheduling tools such as Birdie. These tools enable efficient shift management, reducing scheduling conflicts and ensuring that shifts are adequately covered. Smart digital platforms help you allocate the most appropriate care professional to each visit and care recipient. You can also maintain continuity and build the perfect rotas based on travel time, continuity, availability and location - and simply replicate them whenever you like. As a care recipient, it must be difficult having new people coming in and out of your house everyday, with digital platforms, providing continuous care is easier than ever.

Actionable Takeaway: Explore flexible scheduling options and consider digital scheduling tools to enhance work arrangements. Read

"75% of healthcare workers prioritise flexible working options." - Randstad UK

Foster career development

Investing in the professional growth of your care professionals is essential for retention. Start by developing clear career progression plans within your organisation. By showcasing potential career trajectories through a digital career development portal, you provide your staff with a roadmap for advancement within the domiciliary care sector.

Offer ongoing training opportunities to support their professional growth. Encourage care professionals to gain relevant certifications in domiciliary care, such as NVQ qualifications. These certifications not only enhance their skills but also demonstrate your commitment to their career development.

Actionable Takeaway: Establish clear career paths, offer ongoing training opportunities, and encourage certification to retain talent.

"Clear career paths reduce employee turnover by up to 40%." - Harvard Business Review

Leverage technology for efficiency

Efficiency is paramount in domiciliary care provision. Implementing workforce management software like Birdie can significantly improve care management, team scheduling and task allocation. These tools streamline administrative tasks, reduce manual human errors, and ensure that care professionals are assigned to care recipients with compatible needs and skill sets.

For those who may not have access to advanced technology, manual scheduling can also be effective if well-organised. Spreadsheets and calendars can help you manage staffing and assignments, but it requires meticulous planning and monitoring.

Actionable Takeaway: Embrace workforce management technology for operational efficiency or establish well-organised manual systems for efficient operations. Get a few demos booked this week. You can read about some of the best care management platforms on the market in this article.

"Workforce management technology can improve productivity by up to 30%." - Care Management Matters

Retaining care professionals is vital for the success of your domiciliary care business in the UK. By focusing on these strategies, you can create a work environment that values your staff, reduces turnover, and ultimately enhances the care provided to your recipients.

Whether you choose digital solutions or manual approaches, remember that the well-being of your care professionals directly impacts the well-being of your care recipients. Start implementing these strategies today to ensure a brighter future for your organisation.

Want to read more on this? Click the button below to read our article ‘What to do if you keep losing skilled workers’.

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