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CQC standards in care - how to meet them with digital care management software

February 4, 2022
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As of April 2024, the CQC launched the single assessment framework across all health and social care providers. This framework has included a number of changes to the way the CQC perform inspections and provide a rating. Therefore the information below may contain some outdated information. For the latest information on what has changed and what you need to know, please head here.

How going paperless in your domiciliary care agency could help you improve your CQC rating.

If you’re thinking about making the switch to paperless, you’re probably wondering how your new system will align with the CQC standards in care, and if you’ll be rated differently.

CQC ratings are based on the way in which your care agency fits their KLOEs (key lines of enquiry). The expected CQC standards in home-care are based on whether your home care agency is; safe, effective, responsive, caring and well-led. Within these five key categories, you’ll be rated on a number of different factors - for example, “How does the provider ensure the proper and safe use of medicines?”.

Birdie has been designed with CQC standards in mind - so that not only will you continue to hit the required standards, our system makes it easy to see where you can improve, and reduces your risks, so you’ll be more likely to achieve an improved CQC rating. 

To understand how Birdie can help you ace your audits and improve your CQC rating, we’ve broken down the questions that your CQC inspector will rate you on when it comes to audit - and aligned each with the digital features within Birdie. 


See a complete record for every medication administered and get an alert if they're missed.

Instant alerts keep you in control

Outcome logs show you medication at a glance

Birdie uses the approved NHS dictionary of medicines and devices (dm+d).

Birdie's eMAR keeps you in control of your medication schedules


Create a task plan that aligns to your client’s needs and makes it easy for every carer to complete.

Make changes in real-time

Know exactly what’s happening during every visit

Everything is logged and tracked, so when it comes to sharing evidence, it’s all there

Get instant reports about every visit, so you always know what's happening


Build a comprehensive care plan that can be updated and shared instantly based on your client’s changing needs.

Add real, human commentary and insights

Build a person-centred profile

Record personal preferences, needs and goals, medication history and risk areas

A personal client profile makes person-centred care easy


Get instant updates so you can quickly resolve concerns or issues.

Quickly respond to problems or concern with instant alerts

Upload additional supporting documents

Respond to changing needs with home sensors and fall detectors

Success story
One of our partner agencies, Elite Care, were awarded an ‘Outstanding” rating in responsiveness thanks to Birdie. Read their story


With more information at your fingertips, you can continuously adapt and improve your care.

Offer peace of mind to families with the Family App

Care Auditing means you can make instant changes so you're always providing the right level of care

See where you need to improve with the Birdie Q Score

React and respond quickly with real-time alerts

Book a free demo today and we'll show you how Birdie could help improve your CQC rating.

Found this useful? Why not download a free infographic version to print and keep handy in the office? Just click here to download yours now.

Got a CQC inspection coming up? Why not check out our top tips for getting prepped? Read the blog, here.

Want to find out more about CQC inspections? Check out our blog roundup of a talk held by Deanna Westwood, Head of CQC Inspections, held earlier this year. She talks about CQC's 2021 digital strategy and how they're evolving the ESF framework in the wake of COVID-19. Or if you're looking to capture evidence that proves your business is outstanding, get some top tips here, or find out how to improve your rating, here

You might also be interested in our on-demand webinar which focuses on improving your CQC score with care management software like Birdie.

Sign up for our CQC preparation webinar

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