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Care recruitment resources from Birdie

September 22, 2021
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Need a hand with your carer recruitment?

At Birdie, we want to help care agencies succeed in all areas of their business. In a recent survey we undertook, over 80% of those who responded told us that their greatest challenge as a home care agency was recruiting staff. We know that recruitment can be difficult so we've done the legwork for you. We've spoken with experts, compiled research and created useful articles, eBooks and webinars to help you. Explore this page to find the right resources to help you - from writing your job advert to implementing an onboarding process, we've got it covered.


Before you start hiring carers, there are a few things you'll need to consider. The following articles will help you to get the right carer recruitment process in place so you start out on the right foot.

How to advertise your care vacancy to attract the best carers

How to hire exceptional carers

Do you need a care recruitment agency?

10 care industry recruitment challenges and how to solve them

Interview process

Making sure you hire only the best candidates means having a robust interview process in place. Take a look at our guides to carer interviews and values based recruitment to make sure you get it right.

Carer Interview Questions: What Should You Ask?

Values-Based Recruitment Framework

Onboarding and retention

Onboarding and retention is perhaps one of the most important parts of successful care recruitment, but it's so often overlooked. Take a look at our articles on retention and tips for onboarding, below.

Your Homecare Staff Retention Plan

Social Care Recruitment - 5 Tips For Success

Free, downloadable recruitment eBooks

Want to come back to this information later? You'll find loads of great advice in our eBooks. They're free to download and you can save them to your computer to access whenever you need to.

How to fast track your recruitment: a care agency's guide to recruiting in a crisis

Download now

Hired: Your complete guide to recruiting care staff

On-demand recruitment webinar

Listen to expert, Neil Eastwood, give his advice for recruiting in a crisis. 

Practical advice for recruiting carers during the crisis

Even on a good day, being a carer has its challenges. To make life easier for your team, make sure you use the right digital tools to streamline their day and ease their workload. Adopting digital processes, including record-keeping and eMAR, can eliminate the need for paper trails and help free up the carer’s time so they can deliver the outstanding care your clients deserve. Using digital systems in this way shows candidates that you value their time and do all you can to reduce workload where possible. Find out more about the digital tools that can help your business here.

Woman on the phone with CTA_Care planning

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