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Beyond person-centred care: creating a personalised homecare experience

October 13, 2021
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The benefits of person-centred care are widely recognised, with home care providers currently using the person centred model to tailor care for each client.  

However, at Birdie, we believe it’s time to move beyond personalised care; to take full advantage of the insights we can gain from technology and use it to further benefit clients and improve outcomes.

In this article we’re going to propose a solution that changes the future of home care; a tried and tested system that serves home care agencies, their staff and clients. 

The use of tech in home care delivery

Most care businesses are embracing technology. According to our State of Tech Report, 89% of care providers are using technology to increase efficiency, drive up profit margins and improve quality of care. However, despite the willingness of care providers, up to now, the technology available for home care provision has been rather hit and miss.

But we know it can be better.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become ingrained in our lives. It feels perfectly normal for our music subscription to pick out new songs we might like and our TV streaming service to suggest which series we want to watch next. 

If we could take this AI technology into home care, could it help us preempt our clients’ needs? Could it detect subtle clinical changes to warn us that a client is deteriorating?

AI technology is actually already capable of delivering this level of tailored information. In fact, at the moment, the amount of clinical data available through AI is too much for healthcare providers to evaluate. Creating software to capture this data and convert it into meaningful information opens up the possibilities of delivering intuitive, responsive care. 

How is Birdie contributing to the landscape?

Birdie is laying the foundations for a new future in care. Home care is going to change rapidly, and those who act now will be leading the way in a new standard of care delivery.

To support the changes, we have created an easy way for home care agency managers to integrate technology into their work; to benefit clients, staff and the company as a whole. 

The Birdie home care technology platform allows you to tailor care according to a client’s habits, health and happiness. It does this by transforming all aspects of your home care agency: managing people and operations, auditing, connecting clients, families and caregivers, and planning and delivering care. 

Rather than forcing together existing, separate features, we’ve built a platform from the ground up, where every feature integrates seamlessly with the next. This built-in-one system provides an intuitive and efficient user experience that transforms the day to day running of your home care agency.

The Birdie platform helps you overcome the common challenges of running a home care agency. It simplifies every element of your business and makes sense of the data, so you can:

Assess the needs of your clients

The carer app enables you to take personalised care to the next level. Assess, plan, deliver and evaluate care from one central platform, accessible to all relevant stakeholders. A bird's eye view of the entire client journey helps you move away from task-based care, towards an outcome-focused approach.

Plan and organise your visits & tasks

Birdie allows you to plan visits according to the needs of each client: to coincide with mealtimes, support morning or bedtime activities of daily living, or meet medication schedules. Geolocation and QR code monitoring helps you support your carers while they’re on the road and react to delays or incidents in real-time.

Monitor, evaluate and improve your care delivery

The CQC places a strong emphasis on the way care providers evaluate and improve care. It sets out several Key Lines of Enquiry that detail the standards of care expected from home care agencies and other health and social care providers. The Birdie in-platform auditing dashboard allows you to monitor and evidence your care delivery according to the CQC guidelines, so you are always prepared for inspection.

Birdie's home care rostering solution on screen
Birdie's new home care rostering software helps you manage your staff and shifts easier than ever before

Manage your caregivers and their scheduling

The Birdie platform allows you to manage your workforce by creating rosters, allocating visits to carers and generating daily schedules to streamline their workloads. You can even create templates to match caregivers with clients, assign regular carers to specific visits, or even block carers from visiting some clients. 

Simplify your invoicing

Simplify your invoicing with Birdie billing; designed to accurately calculate payments, create and send invoices and track payments. The central dashboard provides an at-a-glance overview of all invoices, and accommodates all kinds of bills and contracts, from both private and Local Authority clients.

Share insight with family and other health professionals

The Circle app connects clients, their families and caregivers, giving you the ability to share information, promote continuity of care and encourage a culture of openness and collaboration. By welcoming and involving clients and their families, we can deliver holistic care that meets their needs and expectations.

Although most home care agencies already use technology in their business, they generally report that it fails to meet all of their needs. Managers inevitably end up bypassing systems in favour of tried and tested manual processes. 

The Birdie platform is the solution the home care industry has been waiting for. Find out more about how it can revolutionise the way you deliver care. 

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