Although we’re over halfway through the year, we’re showing no signs of slowing down here at Birdie HQ! We’ve got some exciting new features and updates available to you and more coming soon, so read on to find out more.

Trigger a forced check-in when your location does not load
When Care Professionals are out and about in areas with poor signal or GPS connection their location may not load, which can slow down the process of checking in and out of visits.
Although locations usually load in a fraction of a second, now if it does not load within 2 seconds they will have the option to proceed through forced check in! Their Care Managers will also be able to clearly see the reason for the forced check-in was because their location could not be loaded.
This feature is live across the Birdie app - simply update your app to make sure you’re benefiting!
In limited beta: Schedule medications within the past 24 hours
Sometimes Care Professionals are required to administer a medication without it being scheduled. That’s why we’re giving you the ability to add a medication schedule with a start date that is within the past 24 hours and ensure your records are accurate.
If you want to schedule a first dose that has already taken place in the past 24 hours, you’ll be prompted to record an outcome for the doses already scheduled in the past, which will appear in the MAR chart, alongside the time of the associated visits.

Please note: This feature is in a limited beta. Stay tuned as we get ready to release this more widely!

In limited beta: View a Care Recipient’s next visit in the Birdie app!
We’ve understand that the people you care for may ask for details of their next visit, including when they are scheduled for and who they will be seen by.
We’re giving Care Professionals the ability to access and share these details to provide Care Recipient’s with peace of mind. They’ll be able to see the date, time and Care Professional currently assigned to the next visit when they click on an individual Care Recipient’s page within the Birdie app.

Don’t worry if you have not yet allocated a Care Professional or plans have changed - these details will update automatically!
Please note: this feature is currently being tested. Stay tuned for more details on when this will be more widely available!

View cancelled visits in our Mileage Report
A small but mighty improvements to our Mileage Report has been made, giving you even clearer and more detailed insights. We now have a filter for Cancelled Visits - perfect for those of you who still pay mileage for cancelled visits.
Filter by 'Tags' in our Notes Report
The Notes report now has a filter for 'Tag Name' which corresponds to the ‘Tags’ function in the Notes feature, available in the ‘Client Feed’ and ‘Carer Feed’.
This means you can create categories using ‘Tags’ and then filter by these categories to evidence care ahead of or during inspections. For example, you could filter and view all examples of Notes tagged as ‘Caring’!

Late visit alerts for double-up visits
So you can keep track of late check ins and ensure the safety of your Care Recipients and your Care Professionals, we’re introducing a new alert when a double-up visit has been started by one or more allocated Care Professional, but there are also one or more Care Professionals that have not checked in.

In this case, you’ll be able to see which Care Professional has not yet checked into their visit within the designated time window allowed by your agency. We’ll be sharing more details on this handy improvement very soon.
More control over who can view concerns
In the Birdie app, Care Professionals have the option to select whether an individual concern is made ‘public’, or ‘private’, which means only Care Managers will be able to see this concern. We know there are some concerns that should not be seen by all across an agency, so we’re working to give you more control over the process.
Based on your feedback, we’re changing the 'public' and 'private' concern setting to be something that’s configurable at office level, so that you can ensure you control the process as you see fit. We look forward to sharing more details with you!
As always, please check out our public roadmap for more information on what we're working on.
See you next time! 👋
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