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What's new at Birdie: January 2023

January 29, 2023
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Our team have hit the ground running this year, with plenty of exciting updates to share with you!

From allowing you to set up essential tasks to new insights into your inbox and actions, read on to discover what is new at Birdie and the steps we’ve taken to make your day just that little bit easier.

New Essential Tasks to support prioritisation!

We understand the importance of having a clear task list at hand when attending to your care recipients’ needs, with mandatory tasks clearly labeled. That's why tasks can now be marked as ‘Essential’ in the Agency Hub.

Essential tasks will raise an alert if not completed

These tasks will also be marked as essential in the Carer App, so care professionals can now see which critical tasks to prioritise.

If an essential task is not completed, you will now receive an Essential task not done alert, which you can simply click for further details. For more information on setting Essential Tasks read the article here.

Please note: Essential Tasks are available as part of the Essentials Package to those leveraging our rostering and finance functionality.

New and improved way to raise concerns

We’ve improved the way in which concerns are raised to ensure care professionals are capturing critical information needed to maintain high standards of care and reporting.

When care professionals raise a concern in the app, they will be prompted to fill out information relevant to the type of concern selected, including accidents or skin integrity. These new details can also be recorded within the Agency Hub.

Categorise the concern and add details

To benefit, please ask your care professionals to download the latest version of the mobile app.

More information on raising concerns in the Agency Hub can be found here and for how to raise a concern within the Carers App, learn more here.

Select and resolve alerts in bulk in your Inbox - plus other improvements

We’ve implemented a quick-select option for the alerts in your inbox, saving you time for when you need to work your way through multiple alerts. More information on Inbox functions can be found here.

Quick select alerts in bulk

We’ve also made a number of small but effective improvements to the Actions feature in your Inbox:

  • When you create an action the title will be remembered by your browser, so suggestions will be made in the future based on what you start typing. This will help maintain consistent naming conventions - helping to speed up processes and making for a breezier audit process in the future!
  • Based on your feedback, we’ve updated advanced filters options within the Inbox. You can now filter for actions due in the future (e.g. in February or in 6 months’ time) and you can also filter actions by who they are assigned to.

Information on using the Actions feature can be found here.

Schedule inactivity in advance

We understand that sometimes care recipients may have temporary periods of time where they may not require visits or permanent inactivity because they no longer require your services.

Schedule temporary or permanent periods of inactivity

Now you can schedule periods of inactivity for care recipients in advance, automatically cancelling any visits for that individual during a specific time period. For more information, read the article here.

Please note: This will be available to Birdie Platform Essentials agencies leveraging our rostering and finance functionality. This is currently part of a phased release, so stay tuned if you haven’t already received access!

Coming soon: multi-client check-in

We’re making it much easier for care professionals visiting two or more care recipients who live at the same address. Soon, care professionals will be able to simultaneously check into visits, eliminating the need to check out of one visit prior to completing another.

Check in to two visits for a husband and wife simultaneously

Please note: This feature is currently in beta. Watch this space for when Multi-Client Check-In will be available for you to dive into.

New auditing features to drive care quality

Birdie is committed in helping you build a culture of continuous improvement across your care business. As part of that, we’ve created three new features, including:

  • Maintain accountability for your key admin tasks - with recurring actions: We know there are some key tasks that happen on a recurring basis. That's why we've made it so you can now create and assign actions and set them to repeat over regular intervals, i.e. every 3, 6 or 12 months. When you create a recurring action, you can select if the due date is on a fixed date - or flexible.

Create recurring actions in Birdie

You can create fixed or flexible due dates for recurring actions

  • Enable an efficient, scalable approach to quality monitoring - with linked actions: With linked actions you can now assign an action to a specific visit, note or alert - making it easy to get all the context you need when completing that action or showcasing the specific steps you’ve taken to resolve an issue.

Linked actions are now possible in Birdie

  • Consistently monitor the quality of your care - with Birdie’s care professional auditing forms: From service reviews to courtesy calls, our new structured auditing forms will enable you to record key touch points with your care recipients and monitor the quality of your care.

Leverage care recipient auditing forms

Please note: These features are available to care agencies on the Birdie's All Inclusive Package.  Contact your account manager for more information!

Review your Inbox & Actions

Our new report allows you to review the number of actions you have coming up at any point in time by status! You can also see how actions are being allocated amongst your team.

Gain insights into notes

Access a summary of all notes that have been recorded by your team, sorted by type. View monthly trends so you can look out for patterns in the volume of compliments and complaints.

See trends in absences

The team has developed a report that lets you see when carers have absences requested and filter by the type of absence request so you can identify trends. Please note: This is available to those on the Birdie Platform, leveraging our rostering functionality.

Improvements to Hours Scheduled report

The Hours Scheduled report shows total duration of scheduled visit, excluding cancelled visits. It now contains a count of hours scheduled per month.

As always, check out our public roadmap so you can see the further updates and new features that the Birdie team have planned, including those currently in beta.

See you next time! 👋

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