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How to win new public contracts

April 4, 2024
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How to Stand Out from the Crowd

We all want to stand out from the crowd, especially our care business which is surrounded by competition all going for the same contracts! With the rising demand for high-quality care services, owners and registered managers of domiciliary care businesses must seize every opportunity to secure contracts and attract clients.

This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to do just that. By understanding client needs, building a skilled care workforce, enhancing communication and transparency, maintaining regulatory compliance, and showcasing your unique selling proposition (USP), your care business can thrive in this competitive landscape and stand out from that very busy ever-growing crowd.

Understanding Client Needs: A Client-Centered Care Approach

The essence of a successful domiciliary care business hinges on providing care that aligns with the individual requirements and preferences of care recipients. By adopting a person-centred care approach, you can not only improve the quality of care but also distinguish your business in a competitive market.

Start by conducting comprehensive initial assessments of each care recipient. This involves taking the time to understand their unique needs, preferences, and any specific medical or personal requirements. For instance, consider a scenario where a care recipient, prefers assistance with his morning routine at 7:00 am and enjoys a chat over breakfast. Understanding these specifics allows you to tailor your care plan to his preferences. Utilise care management systems that make care plans easier than ever to create and maintain. In the meantime, encourage your care professionals to maintain detailed records of their interactions and observations, whether it's noting a client's favourite book or dietary restrictions.

How can we deliver person-centred care?

  • Begin by implementing a robust assessment process that involves in-depth interviews and observations.
  • Encourage your care professionals to maintain personalised care diaries for each care recipient, documenting their preferences, routines, and any changes in their needs over time, this all adds up to care plan! This can be achieved without relying solely on digital tools.
  • Check out a list of digital platforms that allow you to digitise your care plans, making it easier to share, update and edit care plans for your care recipients and their changing needs and preferences.

Recruitment and Training Excellence: Building a Skilled Care Workforce

The foundation of any exceptional domiciliary care business lies in its care professionals. These individuals are not just caregivers; they are the face of your business, representing your commitment to delivering high-quality care. To stand out in the market, your recruitment and training processes must be rigorous and thorough.

Start by enhancing your recruitment procedures. Seek individuals with both the necessary qualifications and a genuine passion for caregiving. Consider conducting personality assessments during the hiring process to ensure a good fit with your care recipients. Once your team is in place, invest in their growth and development. Training should be an ongoing process, encompassing both digital resources and hands-on mentorship. While there are digital training platforms available, consider assigning experienced care professionals as mentors to provide guidance and support.

How can we build a skilled care workforce now?

  • Strengthen your recruitment process by incorporating personality assessments and a focus on compassionate individuals.
  • Develop a comprehensive training program that includes digital resources, but also emphasises mentorship and on-the-job learning.
  • Ensure that your care professionals are continually improving their skills and staying updated on best practices - encourage them to block an hour here and there to complete a training of their choice.

You can find a list of online training platforms for care professionals here.

Enhancing Communication and Transparency: Transparent Communication for Trust

Communication is the bedrock of trust in domiciliary care. Effective and transparent communication not only reassures care recipients and their families but also sets you apart from competitors. To excel in this area, you need to establish clear channels of communication that foster trust.

One of the most tangible steps you can take is implementing real-time communication tools. These tools can be as simple as regular phone calls, text messages, or even video chats, depending on your client's preferences. Share information about care progress, upcoming appointments, and any changes in schedules promptly. Encourage your care professionals to be accessible and approachable, ensuring that clients and their families feel heard and supported.

How can we enhance communication now?

  • Utilise real-time communication channels like phone calls and video chats to maintain transparent and ongoing dialogue with care recipients and their families.
  • Ensure your care professionals are trained in active listening and empathetic communication. Create an environment where clients feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and concerns, organise feedback forms, and create anonymous surveys (online and on paper).

Quality Assurance and Compliance: Maintaining Regulatory Compliance

The regulatory landscape for domiciliary care in the UK is stringent, with guidelines set by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to ensure the safety and well-being of care recipients. Compliance with these regulations is not just a legal requirement; it's a fundamental aspect of providing high-quality care and building a reputation for excellence.

To stand out, your first step is to stay informed about the latest regulations and guidelines issued by the CQC. Regularly visit their website, attend training sessions, and engage with industry associations to remain up-to-date. While digital auditing tools can simplify compliance tracking, consider implementing a manual audit process as well. Conduct internal audits to identify potential issues, rectify them promptly, and document your actions.

How can we maintain compliance now?

  • Prioritise compliance by staying informed about CQC regulations and guidelines.
  • Create a compliance checklist specific to your care business and conduct regular manual audits to ensure compliance.
  • Document your efforts meticulously, as this will be crucial during inspections.

Marketing Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Showcasing Your Care Business

In a saturated market, your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is your ticket to standing out. Your USP defines what makes your domiciliary care business special and why potential clients should choose you over competitors.

Identify your USP by conducting a thorough analysis of your strengths and differentiators. For example, your USP could be your team's extensive experience in dementia care or your personalized approach to care planning. Once you've defined your USP, it's time to showcase it effectively. Start by creating a professional website that reflects your USP through compelling content, images, and testimonials.

How can I market our USP?

  • Begin by conducting a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) to identify your USP.
  • Develop a visually appealing and informative website that highlights your unique strengths and successes.
  • Additionally, encourage satisfied care recipients and their families to share their positive experiences and testimonials on review sites and across social platforms, such as facebook groups, comments on your posts and so forth.

You’re on your way to winning more public contracts!

By taking these tangible steps towards understanding care recipient needs, building a skilled care workforce, enhancing communication, ensuring compliance, and effectively marketing your USP, you can elevate your domiciliary care business to stand out in a competitive market. While technology plays a role in some key areas, the core of your success lies in your commitment to providing exceptional care and building trust within your community.

Want to read more on this? Click the button below to read our article ‘Why Agencies Lose Public Contracts’.

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