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Do care standards drop when care providers grow?

March 14, 2024
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A pressing concern for small to medium-sized care agencies is whether the expansion of their growing agencies compromises the quality of care delivered.

This article dives into the intricacies of maintaining high care standards amidst growth. We'll explore strategies, challenges, and provide actionable insights for ensuring top-tier care during expansion phases.

Understanding the dynamics of care quality and business growth

The expansion journey of a domiciliary care providers is laced with both challenges and opportunities. While growth can lead to an increased reach and better resources, there lurks the potential risk of diluting the quality of care.

A study in the Journal of Health Care Management reveals that balancing growth with quality is contingent on robust management and an unwavering dedication to care standards. As agencies grow, ensuring effective oversight and a favourable staff-to-care recipient ratio becomes more crucial. This entails not just an increase in team members, but an improvement in their training and support.

What do I need to do now?

  • To manage growth effectively, conduct regular quality assessments through feedback and audits.
  • Engage in webinars on scaling care businesses effectively for deeper insights.

Article continues below this video

Birdie caught up with Andy from Helping at Home, to hear how he and the team are growing a sustainable and successful care business out in Nottinghamshire:

Team training and development in expanding care businesses

In the realm of domiciliary care, consistent and comprehensive team training is the bedrock of excellence. When a care provider expands, maintaining uniform training standards for an increasing team is a significant challenge.

Ongoing professional development, a necessity for high-standard care, is strongly advocated by the UK Department of Health. It ensures care professionals are consistently updated with the latest skills and knowledge, crucial for providing top-notch care.

What do I need to do now?

  • Establish a mandatory continuous professional development program for all team members.
  • Online courses focusing on care team development are valuable resources.
  • Consider creating an in-house training program tailored to the specific needs of your care agency and care recipients.

Patient-centred approaches amidst organisational growth

A patient-centric approach is a hallmark of quality domiciliary care. This goes beyond addressing the physical needs of care recipients to considering their emotional and psychological well-being.

As agencies grow, maintaining this focus, and ensuring that each care recipient feels valued and understood, is a challenge. Tools such as patient feedback systems and personalised care plans are instrumental in achieving this. Case studies on effective patient-centric care in growing agencies provide valuable insights into best practices.

What do I need to do now?

  • Implement a comprehensive feedback tool for care recipients to gauge the effectiveness of your care and make necessary adjustments.
  • Regular team training on empathy and communication skills can also enhance the patient-centred approach, further enabling personalised care.

Read more about person-centred care in Birdie’s article: What is person-centred care?

Navigating regulatory compliance during expansion

Staying aligned with regulatory standards and guidelines, as set by bodies like the Care Quality Commission (CQC), is essential for any domiciliary care provider. As agencies expand, ensuring compliance across all operations becomes increasingly challenging, requiring a proactive approach to understanding and implementing regulatory changes.

What do I need to do now?

  • Conduct regular reviews of CQC guidelines and internal compliance audits.
  • Utilise a compliance checklist for healthcare agencies to ensure all areas of your operation meet the required standards. You can access Birdie’s CQC compliance checklists here.
  • Consider appointing a dedicated compliance officer to oversee these aspects.

Leveraging technology for sustained care quality

Technology is a significant factor in managing the complexities of a growing domiciliary care provider. From patient management systems to telehealth solutions, technology offers ways to enhance efficiency and care quality.

The right technological tools can help better manage care plans, track staff performance, and ensure seamless communication with care recipients and their families.

What do I need to do now?

  • Research and integrate technology solutions that align with your provider’s needs.
  • Attend webinars or explore resources reviewing healthcare technologies suitable for domiciliary care.
  • Look for technologies that not only enhance operational efficiency but also improve the care experience for recipients.

Read our article “How to avoid choosing the wrong technology for your homecare agency” here.

Expansion in the domiciliary care sector does not and should not inevitably lead to a decline in care standards. By focusing on robust team training, maintaining a patient-centred approach, adhering to regulatory compliance, and leveraging technology solutions, agencies can grow without compromising on the quality of care.

Growth should be envisioned not just in terms of size but also in the standard of care provided. The true measure of an provider’s success lies in the quality of care it delivers and the satisfaction of its care recipients.

Want to read more on this? Click the button below to read our article 'How to stop care standards dropping as you're growing'.

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