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Why your care business needs to add new service types

March 20, 2024
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Expanding your service offerings is no longer simply about ‘growing the business’; in todays climate, it’s become a necessary response to meet the evolving needs of your community. As health and social care systems become more intertwined, with social care stepping up to meet demand, you and your team could miss out on a window of opportunity to lead in your local area.

1. Responding to an Ageing Population

  • Demographic Shifts: The UK's aging population is not just growing in number but also in care needs diversity. The Office for National Statistics projects that by 2039, over 23% of the UK population will be aged 65 and over. This demographic shift demands a broader spectrum of care services.
  • Specialised Services for Elderly Care: As people live longer, they often face a much wider scope of health challenges, from mobility issues to chronic conditions like dementia. Being fully prepared with a range of services, such as dementia care, chronic disease management and complex care positions your business well for the foreseeable future.

2. Building Business Resilience

  • Multiple Revenue Streams: In any business sector, relying on a single service or product is risky. Diversification in services means you're not dependent on just one client demographic or market trend. For instance, while some services may see a seasonal dip, others could be in higher demand, balancing your revenue stream.
  • Adapting to Economic Changes: Economic downturns can significantly impact spending in care services. By offering a range of services, from essential care to more specialised offerings, your business can better withstand these fluctuations.

3. Gaining a Competitive Edge

  • Unique Service Offerings: In a market crowded with competitors, standing out is key. Offering a range of services, especially those not widely available from other providers, can significantly enhance your market appeal. For instance, providing companionship care, respite care or rehabilitation services can set you apart from other pure domiciliary care providers.
  • Think outside the box: Look at a provider like Sure Care. They are fairly unique in offering the usual range of home care services, but go one step further with offering support with day-to-day tasks like gardening or handyman work. This gives them a huge competitive advantage over other domiciliary care agencies, as they can attract people at an earlier stage of their care needs journey and build up a relationship with them.
  • Marketing Advantage: A diverse service portfolio allows for more targeted marketing strategies, that speak to different people at different stages of their care needs - as opposed to just relying on a one-size-fits all tagline. For example, being able to say ‘We specialise in dementia care’ to someone concerned about a loved one is likely to resonate much more than just saying ‘We provide home care’.

4. Fostering Professional Development

  • Attracting New Talent: A workplace that offers diverse learning and growth opportunities is more attractive to care professionals. By providing training in various specialised areas, you can attract a more skilled workforce and reduce turnover rates.
  • Retaining Good People: It becomes much easier to see a future at an organisation that works closely with the local community to provide all the care they need - and that has several avenues to grow into. Diversifying your service types is a sign to people that this is an organisation they can build their own unique career in.

5. Expanding Your Client Base

  • Varied Needs, Varied Services: The spectrum of care needs within a community is broad and diverse. By offering a variety of services, you position your business to meet these varied needs - in the eyes of the community, but also for any potential council tenders you are looking to win.
  • Long-Term Benefits: The sooner you diversify your services, the quicker you can establish your presence across different care segments. This proactive approach not only secures immediate client base expansion but also sets a solid foundation for future growth as community needs evolve.

6. Improving Care Quality

  • Specialisation Equals Expertise: When you diversify into specialised services, it necessitates advanced training and adherence to higher standards. This commitment to excellence naturally leads to an improvement in the overall quality of care. Specialised services, by their nature, require a deeper understanding of specific conditions and client needs, translating to more effective and empathetic care overall.
  • Research-Backed Quality Improvement: According to a study published in the Journal of Gerontological Nursing, specialised training in areas like dementia care significantly enhances the effectiveness and sensitivity of the care provided. Specialised services not only address specific needs but also bring in new methodologies and practices that can improve general care standards.
  • Timely Adoption: The sooner you integrate specialised services into your offerings, the quicker you'll see improvements in care quality. This is not only beneficial for current clients but also places your business at the forefront of quality care, making it more attractive to potential clients.

7. Enhancing Community Reputation

  • Reputation as a Comprehensive Provider: In the healthcare sector, reputation is everything. When your business is known for offering a wide range of high-quality services, it becomes synonymous with comprehensive, reliable care. This reputation is crucial in building trust within the community and is often a deciding factor for potential clients.
  • Real-Life Implications: Consider a domiciliary care business that has expanded its services to include technology-assisted care, like telehealth. This not only demonstrates adaptability and modernisation but also shows a commitment to providing accessible, advanced care. Such initiatives can significantly enhance community perception and trust.
  • Acting Now for Future Benefits: Building a strong community reputation takes time. The sooner you diversify and enhance your service offerings, the faster you'll establish your business as a trusted, go-to provider for a variety of care needs in your community.

In summary, diversifying your service offerings in domiciliary care is not just a growth strategy—it's a crucial step towards meeting the multifaceted needs of your community, elevating the standard of care, and building a robust, trusted presence in the healthcare sector. The sooner your business adapts to include a variety of high-quality services, the quicker you'll reap the benefits of expanded client reach, improved care quality, and enhanced community reputation!

Want to read more on this? Click the button below to read our article ‘Mistakes to avoid when you add new service types.’

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