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What's new at Birdie: June 2023

June 23, 2023
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Summer is in full swing and though we’re enjoying the sunshine and an ice cream or two, we've also been working hard to bring you lots of exciting new features and improvements to our services! Read on to find out what we’ve been up to.

Add precise times to medication schedules

We’ve been working on some new updates to give you total flexibility when adding, editing and managing medication schedules. Now, when you click on ‘Medication’ within a Client Profile and add a medication you can choose the exact hour and minute you’d like a medication to be administered, allowing you to create schedules perfectly tailored to each Care Recipient’s needs.

You can either select a time period, such as morning and evening, or an exact time

You will also be able to do this when editing a medication - just remember, if you edit a medication schedule you will have to reassign any doses of the medication already assigned to a visit or a schedule of visits.

For more information on adding and editing medication schedules click here and keep your eyes peeled for more updates to our Medications feature later this summer!

Manually check Care Professionals in and out of visits

You asked, we listened! You can now manually check a Care Professional in or out of a visit through our Agency Hub.

We understand that sometimes Care Professional may forget to check out of a visit or their phone stops working, for instance. You can now correct this through the ‘Visit details’ tab in the Agency Hub, saving you time and making it easier to accurately record visit times ahead of payroll!

The manual check in/out feature is viewable within the Visit Details tab

When you click either ‘Manual check in’ or ‘Manual check out’, you will be asked to confirm the actual time and give a reason for this manual change. Visit Details will then update to show a clear audit trail of who has carried out the manual check in, the actual check in time and the reason for this, so you always have this as evidence!

You'll have an accurate time and a reason for the manual change clearly viewable

For more details on how to use the Manual check in/out feature, click here.

Please note: This feature is available to agencies leveraging our care management and rostering functionality.

Changes to your mobile app passcode

We’ve taken steps to save Care Professionals valuable time during visits by reducing the frequency with which they have to re-enter their 4-digit passcode before the Birdie app automatically locks. Now, Care Professionals only have to enter their passcode every 30 minutes, giving them more time with the people they care for.

Thousands of Care Professionals have already benefited from this update! If you want to customise these settings for your agency simply visit the Carer App settings in the Agency Hub and scroll down to ‘Auto lock app duration’, where you choose from a new maximum threshold of 12 hours of inactivity before the passcode is required again and a minimum of 1 second. For more information click here.

Find your perfect report with ease!

We’ve made it even easier to navigate the Birdie Analytics system. Now all standard Birdie Analytics report have a description added so you can see at a glance exactly what the report contains, making it much easier to find the data you need. Happy searching!

Updates to the Electronic Call Monitoring Report

Our Electronic Call Monitoring Report has been updated to give you more information about your cancelled visits.

You can now see additional detail in both the Audited Times report and the Reported Times report, including reasons visits were overrun or underrun as well as who a cancellation was requested by and the time at which it was requested!

Please note: this calculation is not available for visits auto-cancelled due to the Care Recipient being made inactive.

Explore more details about Visits

A new 'Pay Rate Card Name' field has been added to the Visits 'Explore' tab, so you can now add the the name of the default pay rate for a Care Professional (set up via the Team tab on the Birdie Agency Hub) and the name of the overridden pay rate for a visit.

New and improved report to review your onboarding progress

We've created a new and improved report designed to help you regularly review your progress when setting up your Birdie Agency Hub. This report also aims to help you plan and identify the next steps in your Birdie implementation. Those onboarding to Birdie will receive this new report once a week, every Monday, starting on June 26th 2023.

You can check out the Help Centre article here, which outlines what’s included in the report and how to get the most from it.

In limited beta: add a 'general note' to a visit

To ensure rich details can be recorded for each and every visit for the benefit of your team and third parties, we’re developing the opportunity to add a new note to a visit, directly from the Agency Hub.

When you click into a visit that is in progress or has taken place, you will be able to click the ‘Observations’ tab to see the notes recorded by a Care Professional. This change will allow you to add a note from the Agency Hub if a Care Professional has not already left one.

Please note: this feature is being tested as part of a limited beta so watch this space for further updates!

View client rotas in the Birdie app

We’ve heard from Care Professionals that the people they care for sometimes ask for details of their next visit, including when they are scheduled for and who they will be seen by.

We’re looking to give Care Professionals the ability to access and share details of the next scheduled visit when they are in the visit itself, to provide Care Recipient’s with some peace of mind. Stay tuned for more details!

Improvements to our family app

We understand how important it is for friends and family to remain updated and involved in their loved ones’ care. It’s part of the reason our Family App is so popular and it’s why we’re looking forward to introducing a number of improvements in the coming weeks.

We’re making changes that will give you the ability to provide family members with more insights and updates with no added work for Care Professionals, so you and your team can continue to focus on what matters most - delivering outstanding care.

Add outcomes to tasks

We’re always looking for ways to make it easier to provide personalised and responsive care, which includes introducing more opportunities to add detailed information about visits.

The Birdie team are working on changes that will see Care Professionals adding a clear outcome of ‘Done’ or ‘Not Done’ next to each of the tasks assigned to them. Accompanying this will also be more free-text boxes for Care Professionals to add more context. Keep your eyes peeled for more details soon!

Continued investment in Care Professionals' experience

We’re soon making a small but mighty improvement on the Birdie App and Agency Hub, which will  improve how you can format visit notes and observations. This improvement will allo you to enter a line break when writing notes and observations.

This will allow thorough note taking to be even easier for care professionals and teams! Stay tuned for more updates to the Birdie app, including making checking in with geo-location even smoother! 

As always, check out our public roadmap for more details of what we're working on.

See you next time! 👋

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