When it comes to providing care for your clients, a complete and personalised assessment is at the forefront of your care delivery.
With Birdie, you can put your clients at the centre, with a whole range of features that help you to build a person-centred care plan around their specific needs - starting at the assessment stage.
Our newest feature, the environmental and fire risk assessment, is just the first addition to our suite of assessment tools. We’ve collaborated with care agencies across the country to develop assessments of the highest standard, and tested them with care managers to be confident that they provide a useful and actionable framework.
Completing your fire and environment risk assessments digitally mean you’ll save time and be safe in the knowledge that your assessments follow industry-standard guidelines. Plus, there’s no need to print, complete or file each and every paper form or manually update them when things change.

We know how important it is to complete your assessments in a simple and timely manner, so making them digital is the first step. Once you have a complete record digitally, it makes it easier to refer back and share it with the people that matter - and when things change, just log in to Birdie and update it!
We’ve built our environment and risk assessment to be simple and easy to complete. We worked with our network of care managers and care professionals to build a tool that takes the stress out of manually creating assessments.
When you start or update a fire risk or environmental assessment within Birdie, you’ll be able to quickly navigate to a room, e.g. the living room, entrance or bathroom and then note down any risks you have observed. All of this is immediately available for your care staff to see from within their app when they visit your clients home.
For example, if you notice that the carpet at the entrance of your client’s home is a trip hazard, your care staff will be aware of this before they attend their visit, keeping everyone safe.
Every time you complete a section, you’ll see the number of completed risks update, so you can keep track of your assessment as you go.

But, we know that environment and fire risk assessments aren’t the only factors you need to record as a care provider. We’re excited to say that this is just the first of many digital assessments that we’re rolling out. We’re on a mission to make everything from care planning to care delivery paperless - and our suite of industry-leading assessments are just the start.
Here are a few digital assessments that we’re currently working on for launch in early 2020...
- Mental capacity
- Waterlow
- Comprehensive Needs Assessment (supporting Activities of Daily Living) - we’ll share more on this in a follow-up blog soon, so watch this space!
What else is coming in 2020?
- Body maps
- Moving and handling Assessment
- Financial Assessments
- Falls Assessment
Want to see our environmental assessments tool in action? Arrange a free demo and one of our team will walk you through it.

Here are some quick links to our most popular content on person-centred care planning and assessments:
- How do you make a person centred care plan? A guide for home care from Birdie
- Person centred care planning software: what you need to know
- Examples of person centred care plans
- SMART care planning
- SMART care planning checklist
- Digital vs paper care plans: understand the benefits of using digital care plans
- 10 care planning tasks to help combat the risks of isolation
- Care planning for those at higher risk of COVID-19
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