We've been busy working on shiny new updates behind the scenes and we thought we'd share a quick roundup of everything that's been happening at Birdie HQ.
Read on to find out more about…
- Uploads in Carer App and download care plan PDF’s
- New Medications Assessments
- Updates to Geo-location reporting
View Uploads in Carer App
There's a lot of documentation that goes into caring for an individual and not all of it falls into the clear boxes of an assessment or a care plan. GP letters, equipment handling instructions, DNACPR forms - whatever the content, you now have the flexibility to add images (JPEG's, PNG's) and PDFs to a person's care plan in the Agency Hub and caregivers will be able to view them in the Care App.

Download Care Plans as PDFs
It's important for agencies to be able to access Care plans when not on the Hub or the App. You'll now be able to download any care plan in the Agency Hub.
Simply click on a Care plan, scroll to the bottom and under the Documents title, click 'Download Documents'. You'll be able to download all or individual assessments, the choice is yours! Plus, they look super smart! 📑

Medications Assessments
Our most requested assessment is live and now, you can see ‘Medications’ under ‘Additional Assessments’.

Read more about Medications Assessments
Improved forced check-in accuracy
When an alert is raised, you’ll now be able to see the location of the carer vs the location of the care recipient, before you resolve the alert. If they are close, it’s likely to be a low-signal area and you may want to extend the check-in radius. What’s that? Well, see the third improvement below!

Flexible geo-location radius settings
You’re now able to extend the radius of the check-in of a care recipients home, up to 500 metres. If you’re continually resolving an alert for a forced check-in at a care recipient’s home, you can extend their radius via the Hub. Now the caregiver will be able to check-in without disruption.

That's it for now, but we'll be back with more soon. We're always looking for ways to improve, so if you have an idea we'd love to hear it. Let us know on social and be the first to know about what we're up to by following us on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram
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