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About Me: how Birdie champions person-centred care

December 21, 2020
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About Me, Birdie care planning tools
About Me: Live in the hub

The freshest Birdie feature has landed! From adding a profile photo of a client to detailing personal preferences, the new About Me section ensures you can provide individualised care, as new standards are announced.

The latest national standards surrounding the provision of more personalised care were released in November. Commissioned by NHS Digital and produced by the Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB) they aim to allow services to share health and social care information more easily through an integrated system. At Birdie, we love integrations. To us, this is another step towards the joined-up care system we need in place to allow older adults to age vibrantly and independently. 

We give you the tools to put people, not processes, at the centre of care delivery

The new PRSB standards cover information such as:

  • About me – the personal details that a person would like to have recorded about themselves
  • Health and care information shared in care homes
  • Information shared by local authorities
  • Referrals for community assessments for care and support after a hospital stay
  • The urgent information needed when a person is transferred to hospital from a care home

Delivering personalised care using Birdie just got easier.

Our team’s been working with a number of partners to design a new profile that truly reflects the individual you are caring for, without adding heavily to the on-boarding process. Here’s a glimpse at some of the feature’s key benefits and some things we learned along the way…

People are more than just tasks and medications

A great frustration for people who are in and out of health and care is having to repeat their story and not always feeling a bond of trust between themselves and the person entering their home. Equally, not all care professionals are confident in starting a conversation to find out more about who they’re looking after. 

About me, Birdie care planning tools gif
Personal Identity

The new About Me profile covers a broader spectrum of questions around gender, ethnicity and religion, giving you the tools to get the full story of the person sitting in front of you, when on-boarding. Carers can also use this to get an understanding of the client before a visit. It can help start conversations, break the ice and improve trust between clients and carers. 

A picture tells a thousand words

Humans are visual beings. Having a picture of the person you’re about to care for helps build the connection before you’ve entered the home.

Upload a photo to Birdie
Upload a Photo

From now on, you’ll be able to add a photo of your client to the Hub, and it’ll appear on their profile and in the app for carers.

Everyone has preferences

Opinions, likes, dislikes: these are what makes us individual. Being able to ask and record a person’s needs, means you’re actively involving a client in their care, taking into account their routines, preferences and choices - capturing a typical daily routine. Improve your CQC ratings by showing how you’re responding to preference in delivery of effective and responsive care.

Screen showing person adding notes to Birdie
Personal Preferences

To read more about the new national standards, click here

Share this exciting news with your team and read our blog on person-centered care planning, today.

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