
Recruit more care professionals to your business in 2024

Step-by-step guides to attracting, hiring and onboarding outstanding care professionals

Recruiting the right people and keeping them - it’s the most essential part of successfully growing a care business

However, in an industry known for tight margins, stressful shifts and hectic schedules - hiring and retention doesn’t come easy. Whether it’s finding the right applicants, reducing time spent on recruiting and onboarding or keeping your existing teams invested; every care business has at least one concern that’s stopping them from achieving a growing, happy team.

Birdie have connected with recruitment experts, spoken with Birdie partners and uncovered the ways Birdie technology can help with freeing up time, reducing onboarding time and increasing employee satisfaction in these free worksheets.

What’s inside:

  • Tips, tricks and tools from industry experts
  • Step-by-step guides to attracting, hiring and onboarding new care professionals
  • An exclusive calendar for care businesses to help retain good people
  • Insider ways to use Birdie to recognise and support your top performers

Best for…

  • CEOs, business and franchise owners looking to recruit and retain top-quality care professionals to strengthen the foundation of their business
  • Care Managers looking to support their existing care teams and keep them motivated and successful in 2024

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Recruiting the right people and keeping them - it’s the most essential part of successfully growing a care business

However, in an industry known for tight margins, stressful shifts and hectic schedules - hiring and retention doesn’t come easy. Whether it’s finding the right applicants, reducing time spent on recruiting and onboarding or keeping your existing teams invested; every care business has at least one concern that’s stopping them from achieving a growing, happy team.

Birdie have connected with recruitment experts, spoken with Birdie partners and uncovered the ways Birdie technology can help with freeing up time, reducing onboarding time and increasing employee satisfaction in these free worksheets.

What’s inside:

  • Tips, tricks and tools from industry experts
  • Step-by-step guides to attracting, hiring and onboarding new care professionals
  • An exclusive calendar for care businesses to help retain good people
  • Insider ways to use Birdie to recognise and support your top performers

Best for…

  • CEOs, business and franchise owners looking to recruit and retain top-quality care professionals to strengthen the foundation of their business
  • Care Managers looking to support their existing care teams and keep them motivated and successful in 2024

Download worksheets

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