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What's New at Birdie: March 2024

March 27, 2024
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Spring has finally sprung! Here at Birdie we’ve been hatching lots of exciting new features as well as improving many of the existing tools already available to you. Read on for more information on what’s available.

New custom cadences for tasks!

You can now have more flexibility when scheduling tasks for visits with the ability to schedule tasks to repeat at regular intervals. Within the Task Planner section of the ‘Client’ tab of your Agency Hub you can now customise the cadence to suit your care recipient's needs. For example you could choose every 2 or 3 weeks or every 4 or 5 days!

Customise when tasks are administered within the Task planner

Please note: This feature is available to agencies leveraging our Core, Advanced and Plus plans.

Improvements to task scheduling

We’ve given the task planner section a makeover, re-organising it to enable you to manage tasks more easily and get a clearer view of schedules at a glance.

You will also able to be amend the start date of a task schedule where this date is in the future. For more information on how to add and update tasks click here.

Add a unique identifier for your clients

We’ve added the option to add a free-text unique identifier for each of your clients. This is ideal when submitting a statutory notification to the CQC or simply when communicating about your clients with external stakeholders to protect privacy and minimise sharing of personal data.

Add this information within a Client's profile in the 'Client' tab in Birdie

You’ll see the option to add a new ‘Unique client identifier’ under the Agency admin section of a client’s profile. These can be used when submitting statutory notification forms, which request for a unique client identifier. As the box is free text you can add whatever unique identifier you’d like!

Add additional GP details to a profile

We’re giving you the option to add more detail about your Care Recipients’ medical care within the About Me section of the ‘Clients’ tab so you can maintain a clear and complete record. 

You can now add the name of a Care Recipient's GP practice within the About Me section under ‘Clinical details’, along with their GP’s name and contact number. For more information on adding information to the Care Recipient's ‘About Me’ page click here.

Automatically de-activate users on termination date

We understand that there’s often lots to do when a member of the team is being terminated so we’ve made it easier than ever to stay on top of this process by updating our Termination Workflow feature.

When you fill in or edit an existing Termination Date for a Care Professional, Birdie’s Termination Workflow will now automatically making a Care Professional inactive after their last day so you or a member of your team no longer have to manually change their status to ‘inactive’ on their last working day.

It will also remove absences past this date alongside availability to ensure holidays are not accidentally processed and paid for after this date. For more information on this workflow please click here.

Please note: Termination workflows are available as part of Birdie's Core, Advanced and Plus packages

Improvements to the Birdie app

We've made some handy improvements to the Birdie app!C are Professionals can now access a new weekly calendar, allowing them to quickly navigate between days and view their total hours for the whole week. Simply swipe left or right to change weeks.

There’s also a small dot signifying the days they are scheduled to work, making it far easier to get a sense of their upcoming weekly schedule at a glance.


Create and charge for subscriptions

We've given you the freedom to add a fixed recurring fee in the form of a subscription to an invoice - ideal for charging clients for ongoing fees not linked to visits, such as postage or a monthly rental fee for a monitoring system.

You’ll be able to create a new subscription and assign it to a Care Recipient. Then simply remember to add your subscription to the invoice rate card used by your Care Recipient’s payer, so that it appears on an invoice.

Create a subscription before assigning it to a Care Recipient and invoice rate card

You’ll then be able to see the total cost of the subscriptions associated with each contract and Care Recipient clearly within your Invoice Dashboard! For more information click here.

Please note: Subscriptions is available to partners on Core, Advanced and Plus packages.

Enjoy more flexibility when creating invoices

We’ve added heaps of improvements to our invoice feature, allowing you to add more detail and enjoy more flexibility over the information you add and share to your payers.

Within the ‘Configuration’ tab under ‘Invoicing’ you’ll now be able to add an office phone number to show on invoices, making it easier for payers and clients to get in touch with you.

You’ll also be able to use 3 new toggle functions to decide whether to show or hide breakdowns for expenses, deductions and extra charges on invoices.

Customise your invoices to suit your preferences

Share clear expense breakdowns

We’ve improved the way that expense breakdowns are shown on invoices. Your payees will now be able to see date and category of the expense on invoices, making it easier to for them to understand what they’re paying for.

When adding new expenses as part of visit confirmation, you’re also now able to add an alternate title for expenses that fall into the ‘Other’ category. This alternate title will be shown on invoices as the category for the invoice.

As always, check out our public roadmap for more information on what we're working on. 👋

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